Friday, February 15, 2013


Hello Guys and Girls
From January and each month we are going to make a contest with 2 winners each time. The winners will get free alter cards from our group (The cards will either be given by us or you will send us your cards and we alter them boarderless style). The contest will take place on Facebook .For February the prizes will be : 1st prize: an altered Loxodon Smiter and the 2nd winner will send us any card he/she wants and we’ll alter it boarderless style.

You can find us on Facebook Here

Update : Our second contest has come to an end the winners for this month are: #1 Victor Truong and #2 Pedro Nunes. Congratulations to both of you guys and thanks for the support! 

Our next prize for the contest will be posted on our facebook Group page at the end of February.

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